Animal husbandry

Our animal husbandry

Integration and investment

Integration of animal husbandry into the value chain ensures a full product traceability. On our farms we undertake large, long-term investments in order to optimise animal welfare and modern rabbit housing.

Bernhard Walker, állatorvos a svájci SQTS intézettől az állattartási körülményeket rendszeresen ellenőrző auditok egyikén Jó időtöltés a környezetgazdagító hatást célzó rágófa Dr. Atkári Tamás, az Agrobusiness ágazat vezetője Dr. Bernhard Walker állatorvossal (SQTS intézet, Svájc) Dr. Bernhard Walker állatorvos a svájci SQTS intézettől az egyik telepvezetővel az üzem ellenőrzésekor

Optimal housing conditions

Our rabbits live under optimal housing conditions with high hygiene standards in a  healthy, and stress-free environment. The farms are located on the Great Hungarian Plain, „Puszta”, which provides clean air and  peace for our animals.

Employee training

Special training programs for employees and regular internal and external independent controls ensure high levels of professionalism and transparency.

Continous improvements of housing system

The rabbit welfare is very important for us. It means that we continuously make experiments aimed at better  living conditions for the rabbits. All of the rabbits have got the possibility to play in the enclosures with an environmental enrichment tool developed by ourselves called Trembo and we provide them hay briquettes as well. The Trembo is a particular gnawing stick filled with a special, full natural based mass filling.